I had made a comment at one point that I wished dr pepper came out with the cherry vanilla dr pepper in a non-diet form. Now it is available and YUMMY.
Nypinta... for the record I got a job waitressing at "The Royal Waffle King" (cough cough) and I really don't like it. I did blog about getting the job but you must have missed that. It is at a little truck stop. I don't mind working the day shift, but I cant stand working nights on the weekends. Nights on the weekends all the people of color come in and they do not tip. Or shall I say they do not tip the white waitresses. But they are after all still fighting the fucking civil war in georgia and 10 generations later us white people have been the ones to deprive them. Well hell, maybe if they went out and got jobs they wouldnt be deprived. Welfare will only pay them so much and I think in georgia it is 235 a month not to exceed 18 months in a lifetime.
Amanda got a 60% out of a possible 80% on her first graded week of first grade. Yes we get report cards every week. That aint right. She had one time out and two green marks. I am not sure what green marks are but I will find out Monday morning. She also came home twice this week and said a little brown boy in her class punched her. Fridays punch was in the back of the shoulder and was bruised and she was stiff to move her arm. I called the superentendet of the shcool and showed my ass (southern term for getting nasty mean with someone)
Hmmm, pool still open and still swimming. Oh and G-man got another summer hair cut. I need to catch him tomrrow and post a pic of him so you all can giggle at how my "mr man" looks shaved. Awww poor himmie. His fur averages anywhere between 6-8 inches long in the winter he is shepard wolf mix. But clipped he looks like either a great dane or a reallllllly big gray hound with a big head. Oh and my aunt keeps picking on his nuts. Clipped, his nuts loook like well... they are ... um... big (groomer shaves them too! I asked if he could get a wax but the groomer saw no humor in that)... so... my aunt keeps pointing this out to me that G has big nuts. Did I have to mention that? yea, I did, it makes me laugh. I mean... most people judge a pet by how well it behaves or how healthy it is or how well it looks ... and in my family, apparantly we judge them on the size of their nuts.
I am heading offline. I need to get ready for my shift tonight. I am graced with the lovely 6-11pm shift which means I might make five dollars in tips and it will have cost me more to come to work then what I would get paid for. Thats frustrating esp with the price of gas. And they had on CNN that the goal is to have the price of gas at $3 by the end of August. That is pathetic.