Tuesday, December 29, 2009

the girls xmas morn

Zhu Zhu WHAT? Danger Lucy, Danger!

'Twas the Night before Christmas

Monday, December 14, 2009


Here is the Blog that is ruining my life. DIGBITCH So, now we don't view it from the house or the cell phone but if you check the stats it is still being viewed from work. We hide it. And I am suppose to be happy here. How can I be happy if he emails other women @ bellsouth and devotes more time to DIGBY than to actual conversations with the HUMAN in his relationship? Say nothing about that executive bellsouth account that he emails the whores from. hmmm?

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Sunday, December 13, 2009

we put the tree skirt down for the cats, right?

I awoke the other morning to quite a start. My fake tree had real feet under it. YIKES.

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