Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tax Day... Doomsday... ugh

Song of the day: "Everything's not lost" Coldplay

Quote of the day: "The only true happiness comes from squandering ourselves for a purpose." William Cowper, English poet and translator (1731-1800)

I have a Subconjunctival hemorrhage in my left eye. Why? LOL. Don't I have enough problems as it is? Doctor said not to worry I could have got it from coughing or sneezing. I asked if it might be related to my headaches of late and he said most likely not. I think it might be from eye strain related to all these papers I am having to write and consequently all the reading that goes with them. See what proscritanation gets you? Or me anyway!

I still have to do my taxes. Unlike me, lol, I normally have it done the first week of February but I have been a little distracted. Oh well. I will run home and get SSI cards and see about getting it done.

I am wearing my red sweater today that everyone hates. I wore it last up in the mountains and I guess I didn't wash it because it smells like a cross between Doc and the perfume he gave me. Hee Hee. Maybe I will keep it on even if it gets up to 100 today! Not.

I am still really tired. WOW. I think it is my nerves. I don't know. I still have my headache (it comes and goes now instead of throbbing all the time) and I am crabby and short. Whatever. I guess I will get over it after I finish my last paper. 10 page government paper. UGH. And I got to pee and I am stuck in class with a teacher that don't like his students making exodus to the restrooms. OOOOOH and 35 minutes to go. LOL. ACK.

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Blogger dr sardonicus said...

Er, I didn't know I was supposed to hate that red sweater...

4/15/09, 3:02 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

everyone hates that sweater, it's ummm "frumpy". But it smells GOOD!!!

4/15/09, 3:26 PM  
Blogger fermicat said...

I thought I was bad about the taxes this year. I "did" them last Thursday, but didn't e-file Federal until last night, and dropped the state forms off at the PO this morning. Last minute, even after I swore up and down after we did this last year that this year would be different. Oh well. Big refunds on both, which means I really need to adjust our withholding.

4/15/09, 5:44 PM  
Blogger MJ said...

Jenn, I have had my taxes done for two months but being the state of NC is broke they are holding up our tax refunds. ASSHOLES! I am glad that I did not actually need that money for something important.

4/15/09, 6:07 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

Fermi - well I never got in to do them. This has happened in the past. I will go in tomorrow and there won't be an IRS man sitting on my stoop worrying me about it. LOL.

Michelle - My Sissy in California is in the same boat. She and her hubby got an IOU from the state. Dale called them and asked them if he could turn the Recp't into the grocery store or gas station and still get the products he needed. He got laid off last year (he was a big wig with a steel company) and he and Betty both have returned to school (just like me). Ain't this a lovely time we are living in? Educated people returning to work to get a different degree so they can take a cut in pay to have a check to get by in a day to day life.


4/15/09, 8:00 PM  

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