Thursday, October 30, 2008

some times the horn don't honk when I lock it

Oh no, it is the migit parade! I am sitting here in teh library and I have looked up to see a bunch of youngin's (in single file) getting the world tour of the library. ~~HI THERE MUNCHKINS~~

I realized today that not all college students are destined to be smart. I have been boondoggled by someone with a subzero level of intelligence. Our parking has moved (temporarily and today only) to the over flow lot by the library... THANK GOD IT IS NOT THE BACK 40 as it was in the low 30'f when I arrived .... Anyway I parked on the front line of overflow and went to class. I ran out to swap my books and there is an igiot parked less then 3 inches off of my bumper. Hmmm. How do I get out? I know it is a jeep but I don't exactially want to go curb jumping with a bad upper ball joint.

Good news. For Spanish today we go on a field trip. :) to the mexican resturant, thats where... oooooohhhhh I am already ordering me some Chimmychanga's or however it is spelled. And yes, tonight I shalt fart. Or play the Kazoo... depending on how heavy they are with the refer beans. But leading up to that I am at until my bio lab at 12:20... then offfffff to the land of ... YUM.

Bio today was boring. OMG. OMG... did I say OMG? He went into this full blown speel of the Thyroid (as a deminstration of how and why hormones work and their pathway) and although he did a fantastic job... I was fighting to stay with him. I was just... brain dead to the whole thing. No, not brain dead, just a topic I was familar with and I couldn't settle into thinking about it. Bio class ADHD. But it reminded me that I wanted to ask the doc to check my thyroid levels. Maybe put me on a thyroid pill as a booster! I think that will fight the depression better then anything. Because I am not depressed any right now, just lazy! I have no energy.

Like sitting there last night cutting the pumpkins for the girls. I had a dozen x 50 things running through my head about what I could be doing or more acuratly SHOULD be doing. All the pictures I took show the general disorder of the house (it is clean just messy) and like I was sitting below the silverware drawer and guilt tripping. Major big time guilt tripping. Those two drawers (in nothing else gets done this weekend) will be sorted. LOL. Want before and after pictures?

And just a little reminder to Doc to go and do something special like take a day trip to the massage palor or something. Hope your day is blessed blog buddy, I am rooting for your and for you to get through today. My prayers are at your doorstep.((root 3 (rt, rt)
intr.v. root·ed, root·ing, roots
1. To give audible encouragement or applause to a contestant or team; cheer. See Synonyms at applaud.
2. To lend support to someone or something.))

Okkeee Dooookie, off to

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Blogger Renie Burghardt said...

Hey Jenny,

Wow, that's nice that you got to go to a Mexican restaurant for Spanish class! We go tomorrow. Friday is our Mi Casa day. Yum! I usually get this shrimp dish though, but chimichangas are good too. Well, know... LOL.

Enjoyed my visit as always. Have a great Friday. Hope the girls have fun Trick or Treating.



10/30/08, 6:24 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

tyvm we will have a blast i will take pics n post them

10/30/08, 6:52 PM  
Blogger The W.O.W. factor! said...

I L-O-V-E Chimichangas!!! I even make them at home....since I dont' have Mex Restaurant anywhere's close!
How did you get your car out? you didn't say.
Have fun tomorrow Jenn!
(hey, my word verif is "dearie"!)

10/31/08, 1:45 AM  
Blogger Jenn said...

I did say. But i think it was in the comments somewhere. My uncle lent me the money to get it out of the shop. Molly's daddy is supose to be sending a check down to "reimburse" Harry...but we will see about that. *sigh* I still have to get the upper ball joint done and two tires. LOL. Thank God I got the Christmas shopping that I am gonna do done early. I still have to get Sue and Harry something... Seeing we got this bitter cold snap and Sue is using the Quilt I got her for Christmas and Harry got the book on living legends (medals of honor from the wars high dollar book i will post the IBSN number sometime) for his b-day because T was his orginal B-day present but T don't care much for Harry.... UUUUGGGHHH but it will all come out in the wash, lol, maybe they will be having puppies by christmas...
anyway I forgot what I was talking about.

10/31/08, 8:43 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

I did say. But i think it was in the comments somewhere. My uncle lent me the money to get it out of the shop. Molly's daddy is supose to be sending a check down to "reimburse" Harry...but we will see about that. *sigh* I still have to get the upper ball joint done and two tires. LOL. Thank God I got the Christmas shopping that I am gonna do done early. I still have to get Sue and Harry something... Seeing we got this bitter cold snap and Sue is using the Quilt I got her for Christmas and Harry got the book on living legends (medals of honor from the wars high dollar book i will post the IBSN number sometime) for his b-day because T was his orginal B-day present but T don't care much for Harry.... UUUUGGGHHH but it will all come out in the wash, lol, maybe they will be having puppies by christmas...
anyway I forgot what I was talking about.

10/31/08, 8:43 PM  

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