Thursday, May 19, 2005

So ya know

We are going to be making the next step in this room. The way it is talked about it will be today. Which means perhaps within the next year. But anyway if we take the next step it will mean the power and the phone will be out. We need to move the phone wire. Also, we need to kill the power so we can tie the last wall into the power box. So I don't know how long I will be offline. Maybe just one day (yea right) maybe longer (SIGH).

Which is cool. I didn't see anything at the askew site to commet on. They are all talking about Episode III which I really don't have that much intrest in. YES I do watch the movies but I'm not all hyped up about them. I enjoy them but I am not an obscured fan like everyone is posting and blogging about. So, WHAT better time to kill the power? I don't have a thread at my faviorte site to read!


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