Sunday, May 29, 2005

I am a goat

December 21 - January 19
Spiritual studies might induce a powerful desire for meditation, or even a retreat, dear Capricorn. You might even consider leaving town for awhile in order to reflect on certain matters without any distractions from usual routine matters. This is actually a great idea. You have a lot on your mind, and you need to be thoroughly focused on whatever decisions you may need to make. You also need to retreat from the decisions. Go to it!

Why do I get horoscopes like that when :
a) I actually do want to leave town
b) I don't feel safe making decisions today
c) right before my period
d) Is it contridicting itself by saying to leave town but to retreat from decision making? You'd have to make the decision to leave town, no?
e) Would it be possible to "mentally leave town"? Like take a vacation from your mind?
f) watched part one of the new HBO series last night... "Empire Falls", they adapted it from a book and Ed Harris, Robin Wright Penn, Paul Newman, Bob Newwarks wife, Adian Quinn, and Helen Hunt are a few to star in it. It was fantastic. I don't know if it was the story line that was so captivating or the way the actors are playing the characters in the story line.
-I forgot how beautiful Robin is. Why the hell don't she do more movies? The same with Helen Hunt. They really would give the fresh group of Hollywood A-listers a major run for their money.
-On that note, I can't wait to get Spanglish. Tea Leoni (sp) is also in the list of my fav female actors that you don't get to see enough of. But damnit, why do they all have to be blonds? I think Tea could pull off being a red-head... I wonder if I could convince her of that via a fan letter! HA HA. I'm to old to write fan letters but it was a thought.


Blogger Spirit Of Owl said...

Shit, study your spirit too much and it'll want an essay or something. :-0

Look at people, not horoscopes. They make more sense.

One of the the most amazing pieces of advice I ever got (that sure as fuck I don't follow): look up, not in.

5/29/05, 6:46 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

If I look up too long then a bird will shit in my eye.

Honestly I think I look so far forward/up that I fail to see what is right in front of my face

5/29/05, 9:54 PM  
Blogger Spirit Of Owl said...

Hmm. Let me assure you, I for one will not shit in your eye. Or your garden. At need, I will, I promise, use the facilities.

5/30/05, 7:25 AM  

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