Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Jennifer Ganoe's Profile

Create Your Badge

Create Your Badge
Places I View A Lot
- Student Blogger
- Google News
- Dictionary
- Eureka
- Eureka Unscripted
- DC and the Family Radio Show
- Photobucket 2
- Photobucket 1
- Brothers Cove Cabins
- Griffy 2K
- Bowling Green Paper
- NaNoWriMo
The Things I Do to Me
- I can't wait and 21 days to go... woohoo
- Winnie's joke of the day
- Divorece V Murder
- 23 days to go
- smart ass comments of the year from Mrs L
- Can you relate? From Winnie
- i'm disenfected n I don't have fleas
- picture jokes for michelle, enjollie
- Neat O, 26 days to go
- I got it and oh yea 27 days to go I think
Priceless! I love it. Sorry I have been out of it. I have been sort of on the busy side lately.
The Picture is too cute. Verry Funny!!!!
You know that he has graded those, he probably didnt show them to you because you've been pestering him, of course I would have pestered him to if i were there.
you know he made an excuse, he was like, I was at the college until 9pm then I had to go out and eat and I didn't get home until 11 and he looked at me like all in disbelief that I was asking for my greade. Geesze
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