Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Going to Jail... whut?

So... they passed this law in Georgia that your children can only miss five days of school and then the parent can be fined up to $1,000 or $270.oo for each day missed and put in jail for 30 days. Hmm. Molly is now up to two days missed. One for the dentist (2 hrs each way to get to the specialist.. no choice but to miss a day) and today because she is sick enough to be on Augmentum and Rhinotab.

I am very annoyed by this new law. I feel it should read a few different ways. One way for children whom are genuinly sick and need to miss school. One way for kids who either skip school or won't go (teenagers) and one way for the parents who either won't get up and enforce their children to get up and ready for school or just won't bother. I really think there should be a tripple standard here. Am I wrong? I think the school system is getting greedy and over paying their staff. They collect so damn much in school taxes from property owners in the county. This federal funding is bullshit. I don't think the federal gov't should fund the school system. More children are ending up harmed then helped by the gov't stepping in and saying if you want the federal funding for each student then they can only miss five days of school.


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