Conjugate this
OKEE DOKEE people out there smarter than I...
We were watching Keith Olbermann on MSNBC and he was reading a quote made about some lady politician and her lack of apology. The quote read, "...the lack there of a sorry or any conjugation of the verb..." UMmmm... OK... HOW in the HECK do you conjugate SORRY?
We were watching Keith Olbermann on MSNBC and he was reading a quote made about some lady politician and her lack of apology. The quote read, "...the lack there of a sorry or any conjugation of the verb..." UMmmm... OK... HOW in the HECK do you conjugate SORRY?
You can't conjugate Sorry because it is not a verb it is an adjective.
Sorriest -maybe?
Not that any of that would matter to Michele Bachman, the politician Olbermann was referring to, who is not exactly the sharpest stick in the box.
I think they were referring to "apologise" which can be conjugated. I remember it taking me off-guard for a second, too, until I ran it back through my head. At least, that's what I think.
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