Wednesday, July 06, 2005

help help i cant see

sorry for my absence lately. I've been in the pool 3-4 times a day with my daughter. Today it has gone to my head. my eyes are burning. every muscle in my body aches and despite the fact i've cleaned my ears every time I've got out of the pool I feel like there is water running down my right ear. SIGH.

But the good news, I've lost a pant size. LOL. trying to keep up with a six year old in the pool.

Oh and the bad news, B is comming down on friday to visit molly for a week. I am so unamused by this.

and anyway there is an update, though small and minute. lol. I'm off for a nap. woohoo!


Blogger Spirit Of Owl said...

There's nothing like getting your pants down, eh? :P

7/10/05, 5:26 PM  
Blogger NYPinTA said...

Oh boy, SOO! LOL!

7/11/05, 1:26 PM  
Blogger Alekx said...

I could give you a snarky comment about the pants...but I'll give you advice for the ears.
Being a scuba diving professional we have a lot of water in the ears...go to the pharmacy and just get a bottle with a dropper on it. They are like 65cents
then make you a mixture of 50% rubbing alchol and 50% WHITE vinager. Make sure it's White and not something silly like apple cidar...Don't laugh I had a guy do this.
Anyway when you make this mixture put a dropper full in your ears every time you get outta the pool. The alchol drys the water the vinager kills bacteria.

Next As much as you are in the water do NOT I repeat do not dig in your ears with your fingers or put q-tips in your ears. Being in the water that long makes the membrain do your ear drum very soft and you can rupture it.

If you have any questions sister...pop over to my blog and e-mail me.

I am not leading you astray on this I promise

7/11/05, 4:48 PM  
Blogger Alekx said...

Oh and if your ears feel icky like you want to dig in them...once a week dump a cap full of hydgron peroxide in your ears and let it bubble for a few minutes then just rinse it out in the shower..don't shoot water into your ears with a little bulb syringe for the same reason as the fingers and q-tips.

Hope this helps

7/11/05, 4:49 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

I've used alekx's method before as well, it works! Good luck!

7/11/05, 7:02 PM  
Blogger MoMo said...

Omfg! I've never seen such detailed, instructive comments on a post before!
Diving for pearls of wisdom?

7/14/05, 1:32 AM  

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